
Archive for the month “December, 2016”

Book Blurbs (The Extinction of Evolution by Darek Isaacs)

The Extinction of Evolution by Darek Isaacs (2009) is a short work that takes Evolutionary ideology to logical end. Through the voice of Dr. Iman Oxidant, Isaacs applies Darwinian ideals of Natural selection to society.

Image result for the extinction of evolution “My dear students… We have scripted the Sub-Laws of Evolution, and partaken on its very Fruit. I realize that for some- all women, all inferior races, those of faith, the handicapped and defective, those forcibly impregnated, and those killed for their possessions- the Fruit may have a slightly bitter taste. You can rest assured that it is nature itself that has dictated the predicament in which you find yourself.” (136)

[From Dr. Oxidant’s seminar A Fruit of Evolution: Rise of the Darwinian Leader]

After these seminars, Isaacs explains that his illustration was meant to show the reader that “evolution governs life only though thievery and death” (141), and that the tendency for humans to show compassion towards each other (including complete strangers) is difficult to explain in evolutionary terms.

Instead, Isaacs says that “the world actually resembles the Bible’s account, in which humans are independently made, given dominion, and bestowed an elevated role where our decisions impact the entire globe-for better or worse. We have capabilities for great evil, but we have capabilities for great good. It is the latter that evolution cannot explain” (144)

Isaacs, Darek. The Extinction of Evolution. Bridge-Logos: Alachua. 2009.

A First Review of December

A little over two years and I’ve just encounter the first review of December. It’s a single star rating with a scathing review, affirming my sense that December is the book I needed to write in order to grow (in many ways). Nevertheless, I feel I must give this review proper reflection, and give my monster some defense.

First, the  review:

“Cole stood near the pinkish arm chair.” Okay, I thought, he probably could have used an actual color instead of the word “pinkish”, but maybe this will get better. It didn’t. It only got worse.

Just don’t do this to yourself. Wading through this “innovative” piece of garbage physically caused me and my boyfriend pain. I was curious, and now I am left wondering why we hurt ourselves this way.

“Maybe there is no point in life. Maybe.” – a quote from this pile of shit.

From Goodreads.

I wish the reader would have given me more information- but I have to use what I get.  The words that really stick with me are “innovative”, “garbage”, and the phrase “pile of shit”.

My first thought after reading the review was “Where did she get the idea that this is supposed “innovative”?” Innovative implies that it’s new, groundbreaking, or something advancing literature (it’s none of these things). It’s influenced by James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, but, like a child artist copying Da Vinci, it lacks the control and education needed for full effectiveness.

My second thought had to do with “pile of shit”. “Shit,” I thought “implies waste- the left overs after digestion. If anything it’s closer to vomit- the kind that comes after food poisoning. It’s unpleasant but it cleans the system.”  In that sense, it really is a work of therapy and one should approach it like a doctor approaches vomit: with gloves and mask.

Third- “Garbage”. She found this novel utterly worthless- void of any nutrients. Arguably, and I’m no psychologist, it’s as though she was expecting roast beef but received charred cedar instead. A reasonable response. But even to this (and what a defense I’m bringing my first child), I feel inclined to say it’s “junk” not “garbage”- it’s the stuff I’ve outgrown and have placed in the attic or scrap yard.

The final thought on this matter is this: a re-assertion of my belief that December is the novel written for the sake of cleansing. It’s my mental/emotional junk designed in the style of those whose stature I aim to achieve. It’s a reminder to myself that, if I can publish and love such a weak and idle thing, then by my fourth or fifth book I will have gained adequate skill to excel.

Which brings me to my response to this disappointed reader:

Thank you for slogging through my monster of inner monologue- though I’m not sure where you got the idea that December was intended to be “innovative” (or “shit” for that matter). I never aimed at innovation (it’s heavily influenced by James Joyce and Virginia Woolf), and it is, in all reality, a mental scrapyard- it has bits and pieces that are useful, the rest gathers dust and rust. My own description of “December” is that it is the written version of banging your head against a wall: it’s repetitive, goes nowhere, solves nothing, and yet- has some soothing aspects.

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